Part of our Core Curriculum and the final part of our “Floor Series”! This beginner-level workshop is designed for those looking to refine their tying techniques through an understanding of various knots, tensions, lock-offs, and friction ties that form the backbone of most rope bondage patterns. Through detailed descriptions and hands-on practice, we will create secure, aesthetic structures with a good set of building blocks we can use throughout our practice.
Prerequisite Classes:
“Foundations of Rope” *highly recommended, not required*
“Floor Series: Rope Handling” *highly recommended, not required*
“Floor Series: Body Mechanics” *highly recommended, not required*
Recommended Foreknowledge:
Basic single-column tie
Required Foreknowledge:
Basic knowledge of foundations/ soft skills including: informed consent, negotiation, aftercare
Basic Safety risk knowledge including nerve impingement and loss of circulation.
(If any of these terms are unfamiliar please sign up for our "Foundations of Rope" class. )