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Connection Based Kink: Play with Power & Pleasure with Coco (LA)

Dare to explore your dominance? Craving connection through kink?

We will be exploring the energy of dominance and submission to deepen our connection within kinky play through games. This workshop is designed to support juicy creative play for a variety of kink-experience levels, including the new and kink-curious.

All games encourage participants to take both roles (dom/sub) at times. Come see if switches have more fun :)

Bring a partner, date, or friend. Will not be sexual play but this will be a high touch experiential workshop, so bring someone

you're excited to touch and explore playing with dominant and submissive energy with

No implements/toys required for these games.

Why do I love kink?

From Coco - your instructor:

"Through kink play you can find your power, you can find your voice, discover new parts of yourself, kick shames ass, build deep trust, and experience new levels of sensation. connection. and surrender."

April 19

Queer Rope

April 21

Floor Series: Body Mechanics